The Fourth Generation
Compiled by Thoren Tolle Meyers
JONATHAN TOLLE4 (Roger3; Tobias2; Roger1)
Jonathan was listed on the now Hill lease with his father and brothers in 1768. It showed his age as 33, making his date of birth about 1735. His name appeared on the Loudoun County, Virginia list of tithables for the years 1767, 1769-1770, 1771-1774, 1781, & 1785. He was also listed in 1782 in Shelbourne Parish as a slave holder of Buck, Lett, Marian & Tom. He was named in his father's will in 1778, and again when the heirs sold the property of his parents in 1787. On 16 Feb 1773, Jonathan Tole and Catharine Hampton were married by Rev. David Griffith in Loudoun County, Virginia. This must have been a second marriage, because some of his children were born before this date.
He was on the personal tax list of Fauquier County, Virginia from 1788-1798, but not on the land tax roll. On 19 Feb 1788, in Fauquier County, Jonathan Tolle & Rodham Rogers sold property consisting of some furniture, tobacco, and 4 horses to Samuel Pearle. Jonathan was an early settler on Miracle Run, in Harrison County, Virginia (now West Virginia). He may have had that land as early as 1777. He had it surveyed in 1786, and conveyed it to James McLain on 23 Feb 1787. Another parcel, consisting of 365 1/2 acres, was conveyed to Thomas Mount on the same date. His name appeared on the tax rolls of Harrison County for the years 1799-1802-1805.
Then he appeared on the tax rolls of Mason County, Kentucky for the years 1805 through 1810, and also in Lewis County, Kentucky for 1808 through 1810. In Feb 1811, he was exempted from payment of county levies, possibly because of his age which would have been about 76 years. The date of his death is not known, but it was probably between 1811-1814. This is a period of time when it is difficult to distinguish between him and his son Jonathan Jr in the Lewis County Records.
The children of a possible first wife and Jonathan Tolle
JOHN TOLLE4 (Roger3; Tobias2; Roger1)
Not very much is known about John Tolle. It is estimated that he was born about 1637. He was listed on the Snow Hill lease in St Mary's County, Maryland with his father and two brothers, and on a list of Loudoun County, Virginia tithables for Shelbourn Parish in 1784-1786. He was named in his father's will in 1778, but was not on the list of heirs when the property of his parents was sold in 1787. Nothing further is known of him or of any descendants.
ANN/NANCY TOLLE4 (Roger3; Tobias2; Roger1)
She was called Ann Squires in her father's will. She was born approximately 1740 in St Mary's County, Maryland. She and Thomas Squires were married about 1768. Thomas died, and she married John Piles sometime before 1783. Her death occurred before 1800, probably in Loudoun County, Virginia.
The Children of Ann (Tolle) and Thomas Squires were:
ROGER TOLLE Jr4 (Roger3; Tobias2; Roger1)
Roger Tolle Jr was born 4 Feb 1742 in St Mary's County, Maryland. He was also listed on the Snow Hill Lease with his father and brothers. He served in the Revolutionary War as a Private in the 9th Virginia Regiment. He was named in his father's will, and on the sale of the parent's property in 1787. In 1782 he was married to Sally Sims. According to the descendants, there was a problem because of their ages, so they went to Maryland to get married. Sally was born July 1770 and she died on 10 Jul 1787 at the birth of their second child.
Roger married again sometime after 1787 to Diana (Fowler) Sanders. He and Diana had no children, but they raised two of her nieces, Lizzie Benham who married John Burch, and Melinda who married Younger Davidson. A reference to Roger Tolle, taxpayer in Loudoun County, Virginia in 1767 may have been him, and the Roger appointed surveyor of the road may have also been him. It is difficult to distinguish between him and his father in some of the records for that period of time. His name appeared on the personal tax rolls of Fauquier County, Virginia from 1783-1803. Roger relocated to Campbell County, Virginia and was there on the 1810 census. Roger died 3 Aug 1814 in Campbell County, Virginia. After his death, Diana moved to Barren County, Virginia with her stepsons, and she died there about 1835.
Children of
Sally (Sims) and Roger Tolle were:
STEPHEN TOLLE4 (Roger3; Tobias2; Roger1)
Stephen Tolle was probably born between 1745-1754, and probably in St Mary's County, Maryland. He served in the Loudoun County, Virginia Militia during the Revolutionary War. He appeared as a witness to the will of Minor Winn on 30 Jul 1775, and to the will of his brother-in-law Thomas Squires. He was named in his father's will in 1778, and on the list of heirs in 1787 when the property of the parents was sold. He was on the list of tithables for Sherbourne Parish, Loudoun County, Virginia for 1780-1782. Then on the Fauquier County, Virginia personal tax rolls for 1783-1791. In the August 1788 Court he was the plaintiff in a case against Irwin Powell who was ordered to pay him 75 pounds of tobacco for the days he served as a witness from him. On 6 Nov 1788 he married Ann Crosby in Fauquier County, Virginia. Anderson Weeks performed the ceremony. Ann Crosby was the daughter of Susannah (Conaway) & Uriel Crosby.
He may have died suddenly, because on the night of 9 Oct 1791, Samuel Pearle, George Tolle, and Francis Murray were called to his home to take his verbal will.
"We whose names are hereunto
subscribed affirm upon oath that we were at the house of
Stephen Tolle on the 9th day of October 1791 and sometime in
the run of the night the said Tolle being in a low state of
health and seeming to be apprehensive he might not live to
have an opportunity to commit his will to wrighting called
upon us to witness his verbal will, which to the best of our
knowledge was as follows, to wit, his desire was there
should be no sale of any of his property with respect to the
law, that his wife Anne Tolle might have the whole in her
hands until son George came of age, at which time a horse,
saddle and bridle to the value of twelve pounds should be
given him out of his estate, also he expected his wife was
with child which child, his desire was should have a horse,
saddle and bridle of the same value and at the same time.
Also they should receive a negroe woman named Sarah with all
her increase, except one, his wife having priviledge to make
her choice which she would keep her live. Also to keep
negroe Daniel her live and to return to his children, he
also appointed George Tolle and Enoch Murray to conduct her
affairs in here and Urial Crosby and George Crosby in case
she removed to Nolachuckey or jointly together with herself
with previledge to sell the waggon to purchase land for his
wife Ann Tolle to settle upon with such other property as
they should think best for removal and settlement in that
country, the negroes excepted, this was what he mentioned to
the best of our knowledge, as witness our hands the date
above, Sam'l Pearle, George Tolle (his mark) &
Francis Murray.
Three days later, on 12 Oct 1791, this will was entered into probate, and inventory taken 29 Sep 1792, and final settlement was recorded 28 Jan 1793. This probate extended over several years, and included a survey of 200 acres of land in Lewis County, Kentucky.
Ann (Crosby) Tolle, remarried 3 Jul 1793 in Fauquier County, Virginia to Daniel Jackson, and they moved to East Tennessee in Greene County. No record has been found of a child that Stephen and Ann were expecting at the time of his death, and their son George was listed as the only heir of Stephen on an 1811 deed.Child of Ann (Crosby) and Stephen Tolle was:
GEORGE TOLLE4 (Roger3; Tobias2; Roger1)
George Tolle was born probably about 1748 and probably in St Mary's County, Maryland. He was on the list of tithables of Loudoun Couny, Virginia for 1769-70. He was named in his father's will in 1778, and was on the deed of the heirs when the property of his parents was sold in 1787. He was co-executor of the estate of his brother Stephen in 1791. He was listed on the tax rolls of Fauquier County, Virginia for 150 acres of land from 1783-1812, and on the personal tax rolls from 1782-1814. The 1810 census shows him with one slave over 16 years of age.
Some time between 1814-1819 he relocated to Lewis County, Kentucky, where most of his family had already gone. He was on the tax roll there for 1819. He died in Lewis County, Kentucky before 25 Dec 1820, and an inventory and appraisement was made of his personal estate at the January 1821 court there. His son John Tolle was administrator, and the inventory listed 5 slaves, 3 horses, 8 sheep, 2 cows, 2 calves, 12 head of hogs, wheat, corn, tools, furniture etc. His burial site has not been located. His wife was named Susanah, but her maiden name is unknown. She remained in Lewis County after his death, and was on the tax lists and census records through 1825. She may have died about 1825.Children
of Susannah (?) and George Tolle were:
JAMES TOLLE4 (Roger3; Tobias2; Roger1)
James Tolle is estimated to have been born about 1750, probably in St Mary's County, Maryland. He was appointed surveyor of the road at the April 1776 Court of Fauquier County, Virginia. He was named in his father's will in 1778, and again on the list of heirs when the property of his parents was sold in 1787. He was on the personal tax rolls of Fauquier County for 1783-1784. In the 1787 deed, his wife was listed as Catherine, and he was said to be "of New Purchase". Nothing more is known of Catherine. New Purchase has been determeined to be a large section of Western Pennsylvania, but James has never been located there. A generation later, a Tolle family was located in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, but no connection has been established at this time. Nothing further is known of this James Tolle or any descendants.